Awards to Faculty

Significant Awards to the Faculty Members of Gauhati University 

Prof. Anil Kumar Boro has been awarded Padma Shri (2025)

Professor Anil Kumar Boro, Head of the Department of Folklore Research of Gauhati University has been honoured with the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award in India. 

An eminent scholar of folklore and a distinguished poet-novelist in the Bodo language. Professor Boro received the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in 2013 for his poetry collection "Delphini Onthai Arw Gubun Gubun Konthai" (The Stone Deity of Delphi and Other Poems). He has also been conferred with the Rangsar Literary Award by the Bodo Sahitya Sabha and the Hemchandra Baruah Sahitya Sadhana Botah by Sadin Pratidin, a promient news publication house.

Professor Borah holds an M.A. in English Literature and a Ph.D. in Folklore from Gauhati University. Since 2000, he has been teaching folklore in the Department of Folklore Research at Gauhati University. He has visited several renowned Universities abroad, delivering lectures on the folklore of North East India. He has also participated in various international writers' meets under Sahitya Akademi's exchange programmes. To his credit, Professor Boro has authored about twenty books, including the highly aclaimed "A History of Bodo Literature", published by Sahitya Akademi in 2010. 

Prof. Dipak Kumar Sarma has been awarded Sahitya Akademi (2024)

PROF. DIPAK KUMAR SHARMA (born: 01 February, 1961) is presently working as Professor, Department of Sanskrit, Gauhati University.

He is the recipient of SAHITYA AKADEMI AWARD (in Sanskrit Literature) for Bhaskaracaritam (A Sanskrit Kavya on the life of king Kumar Bhaskar Varma), Sahitya Akademi, 2024

He was the founder Vice Chancellor, Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Nalbari, w.e.f. 15.11.2011 to 04.08.2022.

He rendered service as Director i/c, College Development Council, G.U. w.e.f. 18/11/2009 to 19/9/2010 and as Director w.e.f. 20.10.2010 to 14.11.2011.

His other notable achievements: 

Kathiababa Smriti Award for contribution in the field of Nimbarka Philosophy, Indian Culture & Religion, Kolkata, 2001.

Dr. V. Raghavan Award, for presentation of the Best Paper in Philosophy & Religion Section of the 44th All India Oriental Conference, held at Kurukshetra University, 2008.

Samskrtasevāsammāna,Haryana Sanskrit Academy,Govt.of Haryana, 2013.

Sahitya Akademi Award (for translation) for AsamāVāṅman͂jarī (theTranslation Work in Sanskrit), Sahitya Akademi, 2018.

ŚikṢāratna, Nalbari District Sahitya Sabha, Assam, 2022.

Dr. Banikanta Kakati Award, Krishti Pathar, Barpeta, 2023.


His Academic Contributions:

Book-21, ResearchPapers-45, Articles-115, Journals (Edited)-3

Prominent Books are:

Śeṣakṛṣṇa’sPārijātharaṇacampū – A Study (1999)


VṛttamālāofKavikarṇapūra (1999)

Haribhaktitaraṅginī (Ed) (1999)

Durgāsaptaśatī (1999)


ŚrīŚrīCaṇḍī (Ed) (2001) 

ApāreKāvyaSaṁsāre (2003) 

SatījayamatīofBhavadevaBhagavati (2005)

SaṁskṛtaNibandhaNicayaḥ (2005)


SuvṛttatilakaofKṣemendra (2007) 

ReflectionsonOrientalWisdom (Ed) (2008)

AsamāVāṅman͂jarī (2015)




Prośnottararatnamālikā (2019)


BhartrharirRupaktraya (2019)


Narakasuram (2020)


Kanhuwa (2021)


Bhaskaracharitam (2021)


Vivekachudamani (2021)


Bhaskariyam (2023)


Subhasita-Sanchyan (2024)


Fourteen researchers have achieved the degree of Ph.D of Gauhati University under his supervision and Four researchers have obtained M.Phil degree under his supervision.


He visited University of Christchurch, New Zealand, 2000 & University of Shilpakorn, Thailand, 2005 for delivering Academic Lectures.