We're now live . . .
The new website has been made live on Tuesday, 16th February, 2021
Important Informations
The old website has ben transferred to an archival mode and will NOT be maintained and will be deleted after a certain time.
All those who have taken part in the Beta Release version of the new website and those who have already registered for self-editing of their profiles, will be able to login to administration panel the new website with their respective passwords, which has been emailed by the evening of Monday, 15th February, 2021.
All others MUST register for self-editing of their profiles for any change to be effected by visiting this link of the Internal Update page.
For those departments, who have opted for a Point of Contact (PoC) access, the PoCs will be able to access the departmental profiles with the departmental Email ID. The new password has been mailed by the evening of Monday, 15th February, 2021 to all the PoCs. The list of PoCs, if any can be found here.
The departmental email ID is usually the name of the department i.e. for example for the Department of Assamese, the departmental email id is assamese@gauhati.ac.in. The departmental email IDs can be found here.
Enjoy the new website!
New Website
Please look at our instructional videos from links given below.
Instructional Video on How to Edit Your Profile (Genaral Instructions)

Instructional Video on How to Correct Badly Formatted Sections
High Resolution Video (51 MB) - See Below

Please email your feedback / problem to web@gauhati.ac.in
Subdomains of Gauhati University
Academic Registrar's Office (all PhD related informations)admissions.gauhati.ac.in
All admission related matters and notificationscourses.gauhati.ac.in
Details of Courses & Programmesevents.gauhati.ac.in
Details of all GU Eventsiqac.gauhati.ac.in
IQAC Websitejournals.gauhati.ac.in
Peer Review Journals (GU Publications)notification.gauhati.ac.in
All official notifications of GUracs.gauhati.ac.in
GU-ISRO Regional Academic Centre for Space (RAC-S)radioluit.gauhati.ac.in
GU Community Radio Centre - Radio Luit 90.8 FMresearch.gauhati.ac.in
Research Highlights of GUsecurity.gauhati.ac.in
Security Web Portal of GU (all secuirty related matters, GU Vehicle Pass, Anti-Ragging helpline and information)syllabus.gauhati.ac.in
All available syllabi of all courses running under GUupdate.gauhati.ac.in
Internal Update portal for GU Employeexex.gauhati.ac.in
External Examination portal for all External Examinations (not related to GU), conducted by GU on behalf of other organisations
What is new?
Search for any person through the lens icon at the top menu bar.Fully device compatible
The website adjusts to desktop, mobile, tablet views, automatically so that all parts of the website are accessible across various device platforms..Independent subdomains
We have 14 independent subdomains for various different informations including Admission, Notification, Academic Research, Events etc.Separate notification sections
There are separate notification sections for General Notification, Tender / NIQ etc., Recruitment / Placement, Admissions (all academic admission), Examination (all acacdemic examinations), Notification for affiliated colleges.Fully databse driven
The website is fully managed through a secured database. All faculty members and officers can update their own sections. Departmental heads and PoCs (if any) can update the departmental pages.Organised & Functional
The main theme of the website is to showcase the univertsity's rich infrastructure, diverse courses, and excellent academic heritage and structure with ease of navigation, without being extravagantly loud.
All informations are organised logically and in a way so that informations are easily accessible.