How to scan your answer scripts to uploadable PDF?
While scanning your answer script to PDF file, you should opt for ONLY Black & White scanning as saving a Colour scan require more file size.
For iOS Devices
iPhones & iPads
For iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads, you need not download any app as all the iOS devices have their in-built scanning app (through Notes). Please check the following instructions (from Apple).
For Android Devices
Smartphones such as Samsung, Redme, Motorola, Vivo etc.
For Android devices such as smartophones from Samsung, Motorola, Vivo, Redme, Realme etc., there are many free apps, which you can download to your device and use it for scanning your document and convert to an uploadable PDF. We have listed some of them below, along with respective links to their Google Play.
Sample Scan
Below, we give a sample scan from the original PDF file of a single-page writeup.

A sample PDF A4 page
29 KB

A scanned PDF image
291 KB